Issue 129: The Green Chair Project
Mar 15, 2017 10:38AM ● By Grace Drescher
Our Charity of the Month is The Green Chair Project, which helps furnish homes for families recovering from homelessness, crisis, or disaster. Christy travels to Vietnam without leaving downtown in a visit to the restaurant Pho Pho Pho. Crash meets with DRA CEO David Diaz for his exit interview after 10 years at the downtown organization's helm. Allan brings us the best happenings coming up in Downtown Durham. Want to learn more about Google Fiber Raleigh's new retail store? Read more in Tia's article. WakeUP Wake County's big Livability Tour is coming up, so get the 411 here. Plenty of chef photos from the 31st Annual Toast to the Triangle in AroundTown and keep up with all the new openings in AroundTown News.
The Green Chair Project